EvapoClean Sample Concentration System
For Inert and High-purity Laboratory Conditions
The EvapoClean allows to concentrate, separate or purify samples at constant, controlled temperature in an inert environment. For evaporation a temperature slightly below the boiling point of the solvent is chosen. Due to the so called subboiling conditions, the solution is evaporated under controlled conditions. Contaminants like metal salts remain in the starting vessel. The ultra-pure vapors rise up and condense in the cold outside vessel. Because of the patented elbow design, the ultra-pure condensate is not in contact with the ultra-pure condensate.
- No sample contamination caused by lab environment
- Protection of staff and laboratory against corrosive vapors
- Metal-free and acid-resistant design
- No cooling water required
- For aqueous solutions, acids like HNO3, HCl, HF and high-boiling organic substances
- Usable volumes 25 ml or 125 ml
- Usable volumes 25 ml or 125 ml
- Programmable controller or up/down controller (optional with timer)