Helpful Tools and Optical Filters for Quantum Research
Quantum research explores the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of the smallest particles like atoms and photons. These insights drive the development of quantum technology, enabling applications such as extremely powerful quantum computers, eavesdrop-proof quantum cryptography, and ultra-fast quantum communication. These technologies allow for complex computations, secure data transmissions, and new methods of communication. To support researchers and scientists in this field, AHF now offers vapor and MOT cells made of high-quality glass materials as well as a wide selection of optical filters.
Vapor Cells for Quantum Research
Vapor cells are precisely manufactured glass cylinders in which gases or vapors of purified molecules or (alkali) metals are introduced in pure form and hermetically sealed. The extremely narrow-band absorption spectra of the gases/vapors in these cylinders can be used, for example, to precisely determine and adjust the wavelengths of coherent light sources such as tunable diode lasers. The laser frequency can also be stabilized by feedback, thereby actively compensating for temperature drift. Vapor cells can also be used as extremely narrow-band notch filters.

At defined temperatures, vapor cells are so fine and precise in their spectral absorption behavior that they are even used as the “gold standard” for calibrating measuring devices such as power meters and spectrometers.
The quality and longevity of each individual steam cell is tested by heating it under high vacuum for cleaning and checking for possible leaks before filling with elements and delivery.
Vapor Cells in Standard Configuration
AHF already offers a wide range of different vapor cells (rubidium, cesium, iodine, sodium, potassium, etc.).
Custom-specific Vapor Cells
We are also happy to advise you on customized solutions for steam cells – just get in touch!
MOT Cells for Quantum Research
Magneto Optical Traps (MOTs) are being used in particle and quantum physics to cool elements down to temperatures close to zero Kelvin. That way, the rare aggregate condition of the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is being achieved – where every particle in the system has an identical quantum status. Hence, cannot be distinguished from other particles within the system and can be considered as one large “super-particle” in its overall behavior.

MOT cells must be very precisely manufactured and highly vacuum-resistant and must not affect the laser light used for cooling.
We therefore offer you vapor cells made of high-quality glass materials (borosilicate glass, quartz glass/fused silica), optimally matched to the wavelength of the laser light used. All relevant surfaces are coated with a high-quality anti-reflection (AR) layer to minimize reflections and scattering when the laser passes through.
Available MOT Cells
Please find here an overview of MOT cells
which are already available at AHF.
Custom-specific MOT Cells
We are also happy to advise you on the configuration of customized MOT cells – just get in touch!
Optical Filters for Quantum Research
We offer an extensive selection of high-quality optical filters, such as long-pass and short-pass filters, notch filters, tunable filters, clean-up filters, neutral density- / beam splitters and mirrors. These filters help you, for example, to suppress interfering light signals or isolate specific light wavelengths. They can also be used with quantum sensors to optimize highly sensitive measurements.
Matching Optical Filters
Please find here an overiew of suitable optical filters.
Optische Filter (Auswahl)
Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl an optischen Filtern, die für quantentechnologische Applikation sehr gut geeignet sind.
Kundenspezifische Filter
Bei Bedarf können wir für spezielle Anforderungen auch Sonderanfertigungen anbieten. Sprechen Sie uns gerne darauf an!
Optical Filters (Selection)
Please find below a selection of suitable optical filters for quantum technology applications. Find more bandpass filters in our category » Bandpass filters.
Custom-specific Optical Filters
We are also happy to offer you custom-made products that are specially tailored to your requirements. Contact us and benefit from our many years of experience!